Can You See Clearly Now? The Absolute Beginner's Guide To Washing Windows


When you first start living away from home, it can seem amazing that your old home ever stayed clean – after all, there are dishes to wash, clothes to clean, floors to vacuum, shelves to dust…the list goes on and on. But one particular area that you can never seem to get spotless and streak-free is always your windows – no matter how often you seem to go over them with a rag and window cleaner.

29 September 2016

How To Clean Your Exterior Shutters


If you have shutters on the outside of your home, you likely enjoy how attractive they make your house look; but, you likely do not enjoy how quickly they get dirty. You can talk with a professional, like AAA Blind & Shutter Factory, to see how you can mitigate the wear and tear of your shutters. Here are some tips for cleaning your exterior shutters so that the process goes as quickly as possible.

26 July 2016

Answering Two Questions Regarding Replacement Windows For Your Home


The condition of your windows is one of the more important factors for ensuring that your home is as comfortable and energy efficient as possible. However, the aging process can be harsh to your windows, which will result in the needing to be replaced. Unfortunately, it is a fairly frequent issue for homeowners to be uninformed about this type of home maintenance, which can make it harder to be informed when making choices about having this upgrade to the house done.

12 July 2016

3 Ways To Maintain Your Vehicle's Value As Time Goes On


Because vehicles succumb to wear and tear each time they're driven, it can be tough to maintain a high resale value as time goes on. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep your car in great shape throughout the years and maintain a reasonable resale value that should come in handy if you decide to sell in the future. Following are a few update options to consider implementing:

21 June 2016

3 Creative Uses For Wood Blinds


Homeowners looking for an elegant way to cover their windows often turn to wood blinds. The convenience and aesthetic appeal of these window coverings make it easy to see why they make popular choices to add to a home's windows, but wood blinds can be used for many other things around the house as well. Here are three creative ways you might want to consider using wood blinds in the future.

3 June 2016

How To Know If It Is Time To Replace Your Windows


As a homeowner, you want to make sure that your home is as energy efficient as possible. This way, you and your family will be nice and comfortable and you will not have to worry about excessively high utility bills. To help you determine whether it is time to have your house windows replaced, you might want to take a few moments to check out the following points.    You Feel A Breeze

2 May 2016

The Benefits Of Having Vinyl Tilt In Replacement Windows Installed In Your Home


If you live in an older home, it may be time to have your windows replaced. Just like other areas of your home, the windows can become worn due to age and exposure to inclement weather conditions. There is a variety of different types of replacement windows available on the market. However, one of the more popular types among homeowners is vinyl tilt in replacement windows. These are some of the benefits of having this type of windows installed in your home.

14 March 2016

Getting New Windows? What Additions To Consider


If you are ready to purchase new windows for your home and you aren't sure which windows will be best, talk with the window contractors about Energy Star-approved windows. This ensures that you're getting the most efficient windows possible for your property. New windows aren't just going to be efficient, but they're going to look great and improve your home value. Here are a few of the things you want to talk with the window installation contractors about when you get an estimate for the project, and before you have the work started.

23 February 2016

Did You Just Get Tints On Your Car Windows? Here Are Four Tips To Properly Care For Them


You may be excited to have window tints on your car windows and be very happy with the way they look. However, that happiness can soon turn to disappointment if the tints become damaged or unsightly. Use the following tips to properly care for your car's window tints so that they remain in great-looking condition. Let Them Cure One of the first mistakes you might make with window tints is opening and closing the car windows right after you've had the tints put on.

7 January 2016