Helpful Tips For Keeping Your Vinyl Siding In Good Condition


As the owner of a home with vinyl siding, you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to keep it in the best possible condition. In order to do this successfully, you will want to take a few moments to review the following helpful tips. Power Wash It You will want to make sure that you are not allowing dirt, grime, and dead insects to build up on the surface of your vinyl siding.

30 November 2015

Opening Up A Living Space With A Glass Door


Glass doors are a fantastic way to bring light into a living space. They are also a great way to create an open feel. Many homes come with glass doors that lead to the outside, but in many cases glass door replacement is a good idea. There are many new modern options that not only bring in more light but also create the feeling of indoor-outdoor living. For any homeowner looking to make a change in their living space, a new glass door may be the right choice.

20 October 2015

Window Treatments For Allergy Sufferers


Do you suffer from allergies? If so, the type of window treatments that you hang can have an impact on the symptoms that you experience in your home. Choosing the wrong blinds can contribute to the amount of dust in your home and make your allergy symptoms much worse. So, what are your options for low-dust window blinds? Vertical Blinds Vertical blinds are available made of both PVC and cloth. To reduce the allergens in the home, choose the PVC blinds.

26 August 2015

3 Features Home Buyers Secretly Love


When it comes to selling your home, real estate experts are generous with tips about home improvement projects that will add value to your house. Converting an attic into a bedroom, for example, is said to add almost 75% to your home's value. Big improvements like these are sure to please home appraisers. But there are some features that can actually make a buyer fall in love with your house.

10 August 2015

Window Installations - When It Might Be Time To Call In A Professional


If you consider yourself pretty handy around the house, you might think that window installation is just another job that you can tackle. With so many DIY tutorials out there, you may want to try your hand at window repair. The thing is, some home projects might be more outside of your scope than you think. Here are four reasons that you should probably leave window installation to the experts.

31 July 2015

Why Vinyl Windows Can't Be Beat


There are a number of window materials that are relatively similar. Aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl can all look very similar and cost about the same. They are usually the most common materials you will find when shopping for replacement windows. However, vinyl is hard to beat if you are looking for a product that is stylish, affordable, strong and low maintenance. This article will explain why vinyl is such a perfect material for residential window replacement.

16 July 2015

Window Tinting Not Just For Cars: 4 Reasons To Tint Home Windows


The windows of a home can be tinted, just like a car. When done properly, residential window tinting lasts for several years and provides many benefits. There are a few benefits you get by having your windows tinted: 1. Reduced Glare Sunlight in the home is nice, as it provides bright lighting and Vitamin D. However, direct sunlight can cause problems. When the sun shines directly into the windows, you may notice a glare.

19 June 2015

Four Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Window Replacement Project For Your Home


Energy improvements to your home can help save you a lot of money on your utility bills. Replacement windows are a great investment that you may have heard about. These windows are used to replace standard sized windows, and fasten inside existing window casing. However, they are not always ideal for every window. Here are some things that you will want to know before you begin your window replacement project:

11 June 2015

Ways To Add More Light In Your Home


If your home isn't as bright as you would like, there are things you can do to increase the amount of light inside. Some solutions may require professional help, but others are DIY solutions that you can complete in an afternoon. Install a Bay Window Bay windows are great for adding light to your home because they face out in three directions and capture the sun's rays for much longer in the day.

2 June 2015

How to Repair Foggy Double-Paned Glass Windows


Double-paned windows can easily fog up once the seal has been broken between the panes and moisture gets inside of the window. You'll need to do something to fix the problem before the double-paned window fogs up so bad that you can't see out of it anymore, but you're options can be very limited. Repairing the seal typically does not help in restoring the window to its original transparency, because once the seal is broken, the gases or pressurized air inside the window that keeps the condensation from building up inside of them is released.

7 April 2015